Web Publish Help


This is the help page for the model report web site published by MetaModelAgent from Adocus AB. The site may include one or many published models or sub models, together with associated model guidelines. The level of details published may differ based on the use of settings when the site was generated.


Home page

The Home Page presents an overview table of all published models in the left column, organized around their associated guidelines in the right column.

If the publisher has chosen to include referenced models, these referenced models will be listed at the bottom of the page. These models will not have any associated guidelines.

Home Page Example

Figure: Example layout of a home page with one model and associated set of guidelines.

Buttons on the Home Page

Explorer Displays the content of all published models in the Tree Explorer View in the right frame.
ExpandedCollapsed Toggle buttons that will hide/show the documentation of each published model associated set of guidelines.

Published Item Page

A Published Item Page displays a single item in the published model and a number of sections displaying all significant details for that item. Section types will differ based on the kind of item being presented on the page. A Publish Item Page is identified by the light blue background of the page header.

Published Item Page Example

Figure: Example layout of a Published Item Page in the right frame with the corresponding Tree Explorer in the left frame.

Buttons on a Published Item Page

Explorer Displays content of the model that contains the current item in the Tree Explorer View in the left frame.
ExpandedCollapsed Toggle buttons that will show/hide a section of element details.
TableList Toggle buttons that alters the presentation of a section between a list layout and table layout.
  • The list layout displays content of the section in a list with available documentation for each presented item.
  • The table layout displays a sortable table of each item with one column for each significant property, according to the guidelines. Columns can be sorted by clicking the headers.

Guidelines Folder Page

A Guidelines Folder Page displays an overview of all guidelines, or a subset of guidelines, for a specific kind of model. The guidelines are organized based on item category, e.g. Packages, Classifiers and Diagrams etc. The page may have nested guidelines folder pages as well.

A Guidelines Folder Page is identified by the light red background of the page header.

Item Guidelines pages are only available when the publisher has chosen to include guidelines in the publishing settings.

Guidelines Folder Page Example

Figure: Example layout of a Guidelines Folder Page in the right frame with the corresponding Tree Explorer in the left frame.

Buttons on a Guidelines Folder Page

Explorer Displays content of the guidelines that contains the current guidelines folder in the Tree Explorer View in the left frame.
ExpandedCollapsed Toggle buttons that show/hide a section of guidelines for the current kind of item.

Item Guidelines Page

An Item Guidelines Page displays all guidelines associated with a specific kind of item. The guidelines are divided in a number of sections that will differ based on the item kind.

An Item Guidelines Page is identified by the light red background of the page header.

These pages are only available when the publisher has chosen to include guidelines in the publishing settings.

For item kinds that have occurrences in the published models, there are black number buttons in the page header indicating the number of occurrences. Clicking on the button directs you to a page displaying a table of all occurrences with one column for each significant property, according to the guidelines. Each column can be sorted by clicking on the column header.

Item Guidelines Page Example

Figure: Example layout of an Item Guidelines Page in the right frame with the corresponding Tree Explorer in the left frame.

Buttons on an Item Guidelines Page

Explorer Displaying content of the guidelines that contain current item guidelines in the Tree Explorer View in the left frame.
ExpandedCollapsed Toggle buttons that hides/show a section of guidelines for the current kind of item.

Tree Explorer View

The Tree Explorer View displays an overview of all published models, a single model or a set of guidelines. The background turns light blue when displaying the content of one or all models and light red when displaying a set of guidelines.

Alter the views by selecting a model or a set of guidelines on the home page or by clicking on the Explorer-button in the header of a Published Item Page or Item Guidelines Page.

You may notice that when presenting one or all models, the explorer view will only show packages and classifier elements. To further navigate into a single classifier element, click on the classifier and continue navigation in the Published Item Page in the right frame.

Tree Explorer View Example   Tree Explorer View Example

Figure: Two examples of the Tree Explorer View. The left shows the structure of a published model
and the right shows the structure of published guidelines

Buttons in a Tree Explorer View

Print Displays the complete content of a published model or set of guidelines on a single web page, with simplified formatting. The page can easily be printed or copy/pasted.
Search Opens the search facility in the right frame. The search facility is described in more details further down on this help page.
Home Opens the Home page in the right frame.

Search facilities

The Search Facility is opened in the right frame by selecting the [Search]-button in the tree explorer view.

The search scope will be a single published model or all published models associated with the same set of guidelines. The search scope depends on the content in the tree explorer when the search facility was invoked. The heading of the search frame will indicate the current scope.

There are two different search modes, Property search and Category search. Altering between the search modes is done by clicking the Switch-button in the header.

Property Search

The Property Search lets you search for items that hold a specific value of a selected property. The search frame is split into three sub frames.

  1. In the left-most sub frame, named Property Search you will see a list of all properties for all items in the current search scope. The number in front of each property indicates the number of unique values for that property in the current search scope.
    Click on the property for which you want to search for by clicking on the property name or the number.
  2. In the middle sub frame, named Property Value, a list of existing values of the selected property is displayed. The number in front of each number indicates how many items there are in the current search scope that holds the current value.
    Click on the property value for which you want to see all value holders.
  3. In the right-most sub frame, named Property Value Holders, a list of all items in the current search scope that holds the selected value as the value of the selected property.
Property Search Example

Figure: Example of a property search for elements in the published model(s) holding a 'true' value for the 'abstract' property.

Category Search

The Category Search lets you search for all items that belong to the same item kind. The search frame is split into two sub frames:

  1. In the left sub frame, named Category Search you will see a list of all item kinds that have occurrences in the current search scope. The number in front of each property indicates the number of items that belong to the item kind in the current search scope.
    Select which kind of items you want to search for by clicking on the number. By clicking on the name of the item kind, the corresponding Item Guidelines Page will be displayed.
  2. In the right sub frame, named Property Value Holders, a list of all items in the current search scope that has the selected value as the value of the selected property is displayed.
Category Search Example

Figure: Example of a category search for 'Information Item' elements in the published model(s).

For more information about MetaModelAgent and the publishing facilities, please contact Adocus.