[Class (Class)]Check (Class)

[navigator] [Model (Model)]Analysis Model [bullet] [Package (Package)]Teller Operations [bullet] [Class (Class)]Check


[collapsed] [expanded] Properties

Abstract false
Active false
Leaf false
Stereotypes RUPAnalysis::Entity
Visibility public

[collapsed] [expanded] Elements

Association End elements [list] [table]

Name Aggregation Association Default Value Derived Derived Union Keywords Leaf Multiplicity Navigable Ordered Read Only Static Stereotypes Type Unique Visibility
[Association End (Association End)]credit none [Association (Association)][No name] false false false 1 true false false false [Class (Class)]Account true private

Attribute elements [list] [table]

Name Aggregation Default Value Derived Derived Union Keywords Leaf Multiplicity Navigable Ordered Read Only Static Stereotypes Type Unique Visibility
[Attribute (Attribute)]amount none false false false 1 true false false false [Primitive Type]Integer true public
[Attribute (Attribute)]reference none false false false 1 true false false false [Primitive Type]String true public

[collapsed] [expanded] Referrers

Value of the Type property in