[Opaque Action (Action)]Customer/Teller selects Transfer money from menu (Opaque Action)

[navigator] [Model (Model)]Analysis Model [bullet] [Package (Package)]Use-Case Realizations [bullet] [Package (Package)]Teller Operations [bullet] [Activity (Activity)]Transfer money [bullet] [Opaque Action (Action)]Customer/Teller selects Transfer money from menu


[collapsed] [expanded] Properties

Action Kind opaqueAction
Leaf false
Visibility public

[collapsed] [expanded] References


Control Flow connectors [list] [table]

Name Guard Keywords Leaf Source Stereotypes Target Visibility Weight Owner
[Control Flow (Control Flow)][No name] false [Opaque Action (Action)]Customer/Teller selects Transfer money from menu [Opaque Action (Action)]Validates that accounts exist and that transfer amount is < current balance public 1 [Activity (Activity)]Transfer money


Control Flow connectors [list] [table]

Name Guard Keywords Leaf Source Stereotypes Target Visibility Weight Owner
[Control Flow (Control Flow)][No name] false [Initial Node (Control Node)]Initial Node [Opaque Action (Action)]Customer/Teller selects Transfer money from menu public 1 [Activity (Activity)]Transfer money

[collapsed] [expanded] Referrers

Value of the Node property in

Value of the Source property in