Resolved bugs
These are the bugs that have been recently resolved in MetaModelAgent. Any remaining open bugs can be found in the list of open bugs.
These are the bugs that have been recently resolved in MetaModelAgent. Any remaining open bugs can be found in the list of open bugs.
Fix Vers. | Key | Component | Summary | Description |
4.6.1 | MMA-2699 | UI Property View | Derived and readonly user-defined metaclass properties are not respected correctly |
Readonly and derived properties should be readonly in the UI |
4.6.1 | MMA-2698 | Model Validation, UI Property View | Properties with multiple values defined by a type represented by sterereotype is not correctly handled |
4.6.1 | MMA-2697 | Guideline Reporting, UI Guidance View | Calculation of element's parent does not respect composition visibility |
Calculating the parent of an element does not respect visibilty on the compositon. If the part role is private, the subclasses of the whole element shall not be included as potential parent. |
4.6.1 | MMA-2696 | UI Wizards | Add wizard does not respect optional association when adding a new property |
If a <<property>> metaclass definition has an optional association metaclass attribute definition, the add wizard should not force the addition of the association. |
4.6.1 | MMA-2695 | Guideline Reporting | Usage section in guidelines report does not respect usage by private metaclass |
4.6.1 | MMA-2685 | Guideline Reporting | Metaclass interfaces that are not part of a composition themselves will not occur in the guidelines menu |
4.6.1 | MMA-2683 | Guideline Reporting, UI Guidance View | Usage section of guideline report does not respect redefinition or properties in subclasses |
The list of elements that have a reference property that referer to the current element does not respect redefinition. Subclasses to the referer that redefines the reference property will be listed as well |
4.6.1 | MMA-2654 | Model Reporting | Icons for elements with several stereotypes may not reflect visibility correct |
4.6.1 | MMA-2653 | Model Reporting | Icon file name lengths for elements with several stereotypes may exceed file system limitations |
4.6.1 | MMA-2652 | UI Property View, UI Wizards | Incorrect colors in property view and add wizard |
Incorrect stereotype selection button color Incorrect background color of widgets where values are set using dialogs |
4.6.1 | MMA-2650 | UI Property Table View | Bulk editing in Property Table View throws exception |
4.6.1 | MMA-2646 | UI Trace Tree View | Direction switch gives incorrect result in some situations |
4.6.1 | MMA-2645 | UI Trace Tree View | Relation Icons missing when populating Trace Tree view trough Trace Matrix View from diagram content |
4.6.1 | MMA-2644 | Model Validation | Activation fails if metamodel refers to a stereotype which does not exist in the profile |
If the metamodel referes to a stereotype property, where the stereotype does not exist in the expected profile, an exception is raised and the activation procedure fails. This may occur if the model has applied a profile version different from the one refered from the metamodel. |
4.6.1 | MMA-2634 | UI Property Table View | A table cell violation color is not changed automatically when the value is edited in an pop-up editor dialog |
4.6.1 | MMA-2630 | UI Property Table View | metaclass attribute "stereotype"'s default values are not editable in Property Table View |
There is a drop-down widget with fixed values @SOME etc, but it does not allow editing |
4.6.1 | MMA-2629 | UI Property Table View | Default values will have unknown element icon in Property Table View |
Resolved in |
4.6.0 | MMA-2624 | UI Property View | Invalid values in drop-down boxes are not visible |
4.6.0 | MMA-2623 | UI Summary View | Summary View content is unformatted for all kind of proxy elements from analysis views |
4.6.0 | MMA-2617 | UI Trace Tree View | Exception thrown when filter out duplicate paths in Trace Tree View |
4.6.0 | MMA-2616 | UI Trace Matrix View | Exception thrown when invoking Trace Matrix View from Trace Tree View context menu |
4.6.0 | MMA-2615 | UI Trace Matrix View | Incorrect behavior when cancelling filters and apply trasitive mode when filters are applied in Trace Matrix View |
Matrix view is updated thus Custom Metaclass filter is cancelled and TRansitive mode does not respect applied filters |
4.6.0 | MMA-2607 | UI Property Table View | Property Table View context menu fails when unidentified item rows are selected |
4.6.0 | MMA-2605 | UI Property Table View | Property Table View has several shortcomings when initiated with associations from Trace Matrix View |
For rows that display associations initiated from Trace Matrix View (Show Navigable Association)
- Source and target columns are empty - Double click to navigate to explorer view does not work - Context menu when selecting one or several rows does not work |
4.6.0 | MMA-2604 | UI Chart View | Show in Property Table View not available in Bar Chart View when initiated from Trace Matrix View |
An exception is thrown when opening the context menu for a bar |
4.6.0 | MMA-2602 | UI Activation View | Opening the context menu in Activation View throws exception if the view is empty |
4.6.0 | MMA-2600 | Papyrus, UI Property View | Exception thrown in MMA Property view when selecting a tree widget in a Papyrus table |
MMA property Table view does not handle selection of tree widgets correct. Exception is thrown |
4.6.0 | MMA-2599 | Model Validation | Headless validation does not work |
Exception is thrown when trying to invoke headless validation |
4.6.0 | MMA-2595 | Papyrus, UI Others | Activation Confirmation dialog will not appear if Papyrus display progress bar upon model opening |
The confirmation sidalog will never be visible and the prompt for activation is not working.
This problem only occur in Papyrus 5.2 and later. |
4.6.0 | MMA-2594 | UI Common | Suppress validation have incomplete behavior when several elements are selected |
Suppress validation menu entry is disabled if two elements are selected.
Suppress validation are only applied for one of the selected elements. |
4.6.0 | MMA-2592 | UI Property View | Defining feature property value is not visible in Property View |
4.6.0 | MMA-2591 | UI Guidance View | Incorrect guidance for predefined metaclasses |
4.6.0 | MMA-2589 | UI Trace Matrix View | Trace Matrix View Custom Filter does not handle derived relations correctly |
If the Trace Matrix View is filled with derived references or proxy references, the Custom filter will incorrectly filter out those relations. |
4.6.0 | MMA-2588 | UI Trace Matrix View | Trace Matrix View Custom Filter does not respect private metaclasses |
If a used metamodel contains private metaclasses. eements that are instances of those metaclasses will be lost when filtering the Trace Matrix View. |
4.6.0 | MMA-2587 | UI Wizards | Unapplicable stereotypes may occur in Add New wizard when using metamodel with unrestricted stereotype rules |
Unapplicable stereotypes such as abstract stereotypes and stereotypes not extending the current metaclass may occur in the stereotype selection dialog due to bug in underlaying UML2 framework.
This can happen when the metamodel has unrestricted stereotype rules, for example when using the General UML metamodel |
4.6.0 | MMA-2585 | UI Trace Matrix View | Unknown elements cannot be kept in Matrix View filters |
4.6.0 | MMA-2583 | UI Property Table View | Exception thrown when invoking PropertyTable View from other views with no matching elements |
4.6.0 | MMA-2580 | UI Summary View | Elements without a guid are not displayed in Summary View |
4.6.0 | MMA-2578 | Metamodel templates, Papyrus | Metamodels using the metamodel architecture context can not be edited in Papyrus 2021-09 |
MetaModels which have been created by using the Papyrus New Model Wizard using the metamodel architecture context can not be edited in Papyrus 2021-09. The solution is to switch the architecture context to “Software Engineering/UML”. This is done by selecting the top node of the metamodel in the Model Explorer and in the context menu select “Switch Architecture Context” and in the resulting dialog select “Software Engineering/UML”. If you want to create a new metamodel in Papyrus 2021-09 using one of the templates provided by MetaModelAgent, use the New Model Wizard, select the “MetaModelAgent/Metamodel” architecture context and the prefered template but do not check the “Class Diagram” representation kind check box. After the metamodel has been created, follow the steps above to switch the architecture context to “Software Engineering/UML”. MetaModelAgent does not care if a metamodel is based on the metamodel arctitecture context or UML architecture context. This his been registered as a bug [||smart-link] |
4.6.0 | MMA-2576 | UI Chart View, UI Property Table View | Exception is thrown when initiating Problem Bar Chart from heterogeneous selection in Property Table View |
4.6.0 | MMA-2563 | UI Wizards | Ports must be given a non-empty name even if the metamodel does not require a name |
4.6.0 | MMA-2560 | UI Trace Matrix View | Classcast exception when resizing matrix view after transitive mode + custom filter operation |
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
at |
4.6.0 | MMA-2557 | UI Trace Matrix View | Classcast exception when selecting Referenced Classifier Filter in Transitive Mode |
The view is displayed correct after the exception but the vie cells context menu entries for populating the Trace Tree View does not work |
4.6.0 | MMA-2553 | UI Property View | Diagram viewPoint property always result in drop-down widget |
4.6.0 | MMA-2550 | UI Activation View | Activations will not be registered if one of the involved activations will fail because of unidentifiable root element |
4.6.0 | MMA-2548 | UI Property Table View, UI Property View | Enumerated lists of stereotypes not fully supported |
Multiple stereotypes in an enumeration literal may not be matched correctly if applied stereotypes are in other order. Enumeration of stereotypes not editable in Property Table View (No drop-downlist available) |
4.6.0 | MMA-2547 | Model Reporting | Some library model elements has GUIDs that will not form correct file name when web published |
4.6.0 | MMA-2539 | UI Property Table View | Only N/A filelds in Property Table View for a selection metaclass representing different variants |
Property Table View will sometimes only show N/A fields for metaclass(es) representing different variants. Resolved in build |
4.5.2 | MMA-2537 | License Mgmt, MacOS | Host id changes for same host on MacOS depending on network, node-locked licence key can be invalid |
Often this problem happens when you have sharing services enabled and are using two active ports such as Wi-Fi and Ethernet that are linked to the same network. When this happens the system may detect the two connections as individual machines that have the same name, and then try renaming the machine accordingly. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2530 | UI Property View | User-defined item-value property type in profile is not considered in Item Selection dialog |
If an item-valued user property definition in a metaclass has a narrower item definition than the referred seterotype property type, the wider item definition should be allowed in item selection dialogs when the severity is recommendation or info, or when the keywork is @ANY. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2529 | UI Property View | Multi String properties with @ANY keyword are indicated with warnings in property value list dialog |
4.5.2 | MMA-2528 | UI Property View | Enumerations are in several cases not treated correct in property view and add wizard |
Enumeration are displayed with text widget when severity is Rec or Info. Editable drop down would be correct. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2527 | Model Validation, UI Property View | Multivalue property definitions with @OTHER keyword is not correctly supported & validated |
Instances of the defined type are regarded as valid instead of all values that not fulfilll the type. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2526 | Model Validation | Enumeration property definitions with @NONE-keword is incorrect validated | |
4.5.2 | MMA-2522 | UI Property View | ||
4.5.2 | MMA-2521 | UI Property View | Current model is not listed when selecting all available models in Item Tree Selection Dialog |
4.5.2 | MMA-2519 | Model Validation | ||
4.5.2 | MMA-2511 | Model Validation | ||
4.5.2 | MMA-2497 | UI Chart View, UI Property Table View | ||
4.5.2 | MMA-2496 | UI Property Table View | Property definitions within metaclass variants are not displayed in Property Table View |
4.5.2 | MMA-2495 | UI Property Table View | This will occur if they have been left out in a previous column selection for the same kind of element |
4.5.2 | MMA-2494 | UI Property Table View | Metaclass and metamodel column in Property Tabel View are not sorted correctly |
4.5.2 | MMA-2493 | Papyrus, UI Common | Displayed element icon is only taken from the first applied stereotype |
If the first applied stereotype has no defined icon, the standard element icon will be displayed. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2486 | UI Property Table View, UI Trace Matrix View | Populating Property Table View from a Interconnection Matrix cell only displays a "derived relation" |
4.5.2 | MMA-2478 | UI Trace Matrix View | When applying the circular filter in transitive mode, the view is empty. No connections are shown. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2475 | UI Chart View | The tooltip in Chart View sometimes stop working, Hovering over a bar segment will then not show tooltip |
4.5.2 | MMA-2468 | UI Property View | Property value tooltip not updated until Property View is updated |
After entering a property value, the details of the new value do not appear in the property widgets tooltip. |
4.5.2 | MMA-2467 | License Mgmt | Make Sure RSAD/RSARTE and HCL RTist is included in license order form |
The order form must not display and send RSA only. as URL when order license |
4.5.2 | MMA-2466 | UI Trace Matrix View | Labels for target elements without visible scope are never truncated in Trace Matrix View |
4.5.1 | MMA-2459 | General UML guidelines, Papyrus | Incorrect association end labels in General UML Guidelines for Papyrus |
The labels for several association ends are swaped in the diagrams in the General UML Guidelines metamodel for Papyrus. The underlying model is correct, but the display of association end labels, e.g. multiplicity and name have been swaped. Users of the model will be confused. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2457 | General UML guidelines, Papyrus | Profile diagrams do not allow profiles when using General Modeling Guidelines |
If a profile diagram display the profile element, an error is reported as invalid diagram content. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2455 | UI Chart View | Tooltip on horizontal labels in bar chart does not respect diagonal labels |
Wrong tooltips are displayed due to diagonal labels. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2454 | General UML guidelines, Papyrus | Redefinition context should be removed from General UML Guidelines for Papyrus |
Redefinition context is not available in the advanced tab of the standard property view in Papyrus and should therefore not be available in the General UML Guidelines for Papyrus |
4.5.1 | MMA-2453 | RSA, UI Wizards | Closed metamodels in workspace could not be retrieved in the New Model Wizard when using RSAD and RSARTE |
If a closed metamodel from the workspace is selected in the New Model Wizard. That metamodel will not be opened and cannot therefor be used for the new model.
The workaround is to open the metamodel in workspace prior to invoking the New Model wizard. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2448 | Guideline Reporting | Incorrect diagram section on guidelines web pages if referrered metaclasses has mixed submetaclass categories |
If a diagram metaclass has a shared aggregation to a metaclass that have sub-metaclasses of mixed categories (e.g. elements, relations). None of the metaclasses in the inheritance hierarchy will be listed as potential diagram content. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2447 | General UML guidelines, Papyrus, UI Diagram & Palette | Metamodels based on General UML Guidelines do not allow all kind of elements in static diagrams |
All elements should be allowed as nodes on static diagrams.
But only packagable elements should be available in the palette. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2443 | Guideline Reporting, RSA, UI Wizards | Some registered but unloaded UML profiles cannot be found by MetaModelAgent |
Profiles registered using pathmaps defined by extensionpoint "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core.Pathmaps" cannot be load because the pathmap definition is not resolved correctly.
This holds for some built-in profiles in RSAD. The effect is the creation of new models using those profiles fails and publishing guidelines only using those profile failes, as long those profile has not unready have been loaded caused by reference from some other model. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2434 | UI Common | Html-encoding is visible in some tooltips if the metamodel elements contains special characters |
4.5.1 | MMA-2428 | Model Reporting, RSA, UI Property View, UI Summary View | Comments are not regarded as documentation if model lacks application of "Default" profile |
4.5.1 | MMA-2426 | General UML guidelines | General UML Guidelines does not support stereotype, keyword and documentation property for some relationships |
The elements that not have stereotype, keyword and documentation properties defined are; Generalizations, Element Import, Package Import, Package Merge, Protocol Conformance, Template Binding, |
4.5.1 | MMA-2422 | Model Validation | User defined stereotype "Standard" conflicts with built-in reserved word |
The word "Standard" is used internally in MMA to dentotes a standard property for a UML element. That leads to a conflict resulting in a reported error when the word "Standard" is used for a stereotype containing user-defined properties. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2421 | UI Property View | Accessing defining feature of a slot may cause a runtime exception |
This bug was introduced in v4.5.0 build 005. Resolved in v4.5.0 build 007. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2418 | Model Reporting, UI Summary View | Consecutive spaces in element documentation are displayed with visible encoding |
Resolved in v4.5.0 build 007. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2417 | Model Reporting, RSA, UI Common, UI Summary View | User-defined element icons not defined in profile will not be displayed in UI views or generated web |
Some profiles extended deployed in a plugin will have their icons defined programmatically instead of in the profile. These icons will not be displayed in MMA UI. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2415 | UI Property Table View, UI Property View | User-defined properties with element as type cannot be set if the property type is an inherited stereotype |
Resolved in v4.5.0 build 007. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2413 | UI Property View | User-defined properties with element as type cannot be unset |
Pressing the delete bottom \[X] has only temporary effect in the view but the reference to the element is not removed in the model. Resolved in v4.5.0 build 007. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2407 | Model Validation | The most specific metaclass is not selected when there are several that matches an element |
The most specialized metaclass in an generalization hierarchy should be selected. When a contrete (super)metaclass is referred that has overlapping submetaclasses. The supermetaclass is incorrectly selected. This bug was introduced in 4.5.0 build 005. Resolved in v4.5.0 build 007. |
4.5.1 | MMA-2394 | General UML guidelines, Papyrus | Papyrus freezes when a diagram in General UML Guidelines metamodel is enlarged |
This might be problematic when the metamodel is used as a template for a new metamodel
The reason might be that the diagram originally was created for Papyrus 2.x |
4.5.1 | MMA-2388 | UI Property Table View | Exception thrown when bringing up context menu from Property Table View containing unidentified items |
This occur when initiating Property Table View from Chart View with a bar that represents unidentified items |
4.5.1 | MMA-2372 | UI Trace Matrix View | Some none-circular connections remains when circular filter is applied in Trace Matrix View |
4.5.1 | MMA-2371 | UI Trace Matrix View | Legend is not updated when circular filter is activated |
The legend shows number of relations prior to the filter is activated. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2377 | License Mgmt | Web publishing not available with FREE license |
When trying to publish a model being activated using a FREE license, the insufficient license dialog pops up and indicates that you already have an activated model |
4.5.0 | MMA-2369 | UI Property View | Renaming elements using standard UI when MMA Property View is opened causes rollback |
Changing element names using standard property view, diagram editor or model explorer causes the previous name to be set again. It appears like a rollback. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2367 | Linux, UI Trace Matrix View | Matrix table not aligned with target headings in some Linux environments |
The difference in font size in different environments has led to the matrix not being aligned to the vertical target labels. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2366 | Linux, UI Property View | Check boxes for boolean property values are not visible in some Linux environments |
In Ubuntu Linux, the checkbox is not visible, however it shows the check-icon when checked. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2365 | UI Trace Tree View | Trace Tree View shows incorrect content when initated from derived content in Trace Matrix View |
4.5.0 | MMA-2364 | UI Trace Tree View | Icons are missing and execption is thrown for multiple relations in Trace Tree View |
This issue occurs when the Trace Tree View is initated from the Trace Matrix View in transitive mode. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2363 | Linux, UI Guidance View, UI Summary View | Incorrect formatting in some embedded web browsers |
If the text to be displayed contain special characters, the formatting provided by CSS will not be applied. This has been detected in OpenSUSE 15.0 |
4.5.0 | MMA-2351 | UI Problem View | Same metamodel problem occurs multiple times in Problem View |
4.5.0 | MMA-2344 | Papyrus, UI Property Table View | Elements deleted using property table view context menu will still remain as incorrect nodes in diagrams |
4.5.0 | MMA-2336 | Nested unidentified element is still registered as activated even when root element has been inactivated |
Steps to reproduce: # Activate a model that contains an unclassified element. # Inactivate the model # Select the unclassified element # Open MetaModelAget->Acivate and you will see that the unclassified element is still checked as activated |
4.5.0 | MMA-2334 | Model Reporting | Web publish hyperlinks that populate both frames in one click does not work in some browsers |
This holds at least for Firefox when the published web site is accessed locally.
The solution is to redesign so that only one frame at a time is updated |
4.5.0 | MMA-2332 | UI Guidance View | Explorer navigation from Guidance View fails in several situations |
The navigation (by pressing the explorer button) do not works for metaclasses that have been displayed by following a hyperlink or the back button in the Guidance View. The navigation do not work for pages displaying the metamodel either. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2330 | UI Property View | Dependency target could not be cleared using MMA Property View |
4.5.0 | MMA-2325 | UI Wizards | Adding an association or one of its subclasses using General UML Guidelines opens the Change Wizard |
When drag & drop of Association, Extension or Communication path fom palette to diagram. If preference automatic change is set, the change wizard is shown where you once again have to select the correct metaclass. This should not be needed. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2322 | Model Reporting | Connectors within a behavior classifier web page has same source and target |
4.5.0 | MMA-2319 | UI Wizards | There is an incorrect built-in rule that the name of Property-elements must be non-empty |
The UI wizards indicates an error if the name is left empty. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2317 | Model Validation | Directed relationship with multiple sources are not identified |
4.5.0 | MMA-2316 | Model Reporting | Exception thrown in web publisher if there are references to unloaded/unsolved enumeration literals |
4.5.0 | MMA-2308 | UI Trace Matrix View, UI Trace Tree View | Populating Matrix View or Trace Tree View with potential activity flows for activities lacking a start node throws exception |
4.5.0 | MMA-2302 | UI Property Table View, UI Property View | Control Flow & Object Flows guards and weight properties have an obsolete item selection button |
The guard and weight property should only have editable text fields. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2299 | UI Diagram & Palette | Exception thrown in Diagram palette |
Error message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: IWorkbenchSite.getShell() was called after part disposal: |
4.5.0 | MMA-2298 | UI Property View | Signature could not be cleared from Message when using MMA Property View |
4.5.0 | MMA-2296 | UI Wizards | MMA-Add wizard does not support adding Combined Fragments, Gates & InteractionUse to an Interaction |
4.5.0 | MMA-2293 | UI Trace Matrix View | Trace Matrix View columns do not support icon width other than 16 pixels |
If the icon has a different width than 16. The width of the columns in the first header row will not match the column width in the other rows This is the case when populating the Matrix View with control flows from an BPMN activity diagram. Each column width should be adjusted to the actual width of the icon or the icon should be cropped to fit 16px |
4.5.0 | MMA-2292 | UI Trace Tree View | Object nodes in activities are invalidly reported in outgoing trace tree view starting from the activity |
When populating the Trace Tree View from an activity containg object nodes, the object nodes are reported as being relationships/references and the element column displays "non-existing element". |
4.5.0 | MMA-2291 | UI Trace Tree View | Exceptions thrown when populating tree view with Potential flow paths if the activity contains activity partitions |
If MetaModelAgent->Show in Trace Tree View -> Outgoing Relations -> Potential flow paths is selected on an initial node within a partition then an is thrown
4.5.0 | MMA-2290 | API | API-method throws exception if the element has not been classified |
4.5.0 | MMA-2266 | UI Chart View | Incorrect result in scatter chart and related elements bar chart when relation distance are set to limited |
This occur when the distance is set to 3 or more but still limited and there are different relationship paths that shares the same node on different distances from the start element. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2254 | UI Property View | "No more handles" exception thrown when both standard Property View and MMA Property View is opened |
Exception is thrown the selecting a widget in MetaModelAgent tab of standard Property View when the MMA property view is open as well. |
4.5.0 | MMA-2253 | UI Wizards | Wizards have not scrolling capabilities when there are many properties to display |
The scrolling capabilities in wizrads that existed in MMA 4.3.x does not work any more, |
4.5.0 | MMA-2241 | UI Property Table View | The cell color in Property Table View is not always automatically updated when property value is changed in a cell text field |
The background color should change automatically to indicate a invalid property value or that a problem is solved by the new proeprty value. Currently you will have to refresh the view to update the colors |
4.5.0 | MMA-2238 | UI Common | Exception is thrown if a metamodel refers to a stereotype that does not exist in the referred profile |
4.5.0 | MMA-2237 | UI Trace Matrix View | Matrix View could not be invoked from metaclass packages or metamodel root |
Show in Matrix View is always disabled in the context menu when a metaclass package or a metamodel root is selected |
4.5.0 | MMA-2211 | Guideline Reporting, Model Reporting | Invalid thread access when looking up workspace profile during model and metamodel reporting |
This occur when publishing is done directly after loading+activation |
The bugs in the list are all reported and confirmed. Any major bug will be resolved in the next upcoming release.
Key | Component | Summary | Description |
MMA-2702 | UI Trace Tree View | Link to selection does not respect incoming relations mode |
The Trace Tree View will display outgoing relations when “Link to selection” button is pushed, even if the current selection is incoming relations |
MMA-2670 | Papyrus, UI Property View | Setting the diagram viewkind to empty causes a corrupt diagram |
If the view kind property is left empty in the diagram add wizard, therer will be a popup dialog indicating that the diagram could not be created. The diagram will however be created but not correctly initiated. This means that the General UML guidelines in Papyrus could not be used to create diagrams using the MMA Add wizard |
MMA-2669 | User Documentation | Incorrect documentation of Invisible classifiers |
MMA-2661 | UI Property Table View | Associations between unknown associations gives empty rows when populating property Table View from Trace Matrix View |
MMA-2657 | Metamodel validation, UML-RT | Parameters within RT protocols events are not supported |
MMA-2639 | UI Property Table View | Property Table View columns sorter does not always gives expected result |
The property values are in some cases adjusted before being displayed in the cells. The sorting algorithm does not respect these adjustments. |
MMA-2571 | UI Common | Element types that are not longer used in the model occur in MetaModelAgent context menus |
Add an actor to A model and thereafter delete it so the model no longer contains any actor.
Select MetaModelAgent->Show in Property Table View and you will see that actor remains as a selectable element kind. |
MMA-2546 | Model Reporting | Web published Search indexes do not include content from referred submodels |
MMA-2545 | Model Reporting | Web published help page is not available in navigation pane for included submodels |
In the navigation pane for a refered submodel included as part of webpublishing of a model, the help button leads to a missing page
The correect help page address should be: file:///<root>/content/help.html#explorer The incorrect address generated is: file:///<root/help/help.html#explorer |
MMA-2542 | Model Validation, UI Property View | User Defined Properties with unsupported type are not supported |
If a user-defined stereotype property has an unsupported element type as Type (for example ValueSpecification, no value will validate correct. As there is no way to represent the expected value in the metamodel.
There is no way to enter such a value using MMA property View as well. |
MMA-2412 | Model Reporting, Papyrus | Papyrus diagrams created in older versions are published with invalid views |
Papyrus diagrams created in older versions of Payrus and not currently open in diagram editor is published with invalid views. The workaround is to “touch” each diagram, save and reopen the model. |
MMA-2386 | Model Validation, UI Activation View | Referring JRE System Library elements in RSAD is very slow |
Trying to activate an open instance of "JRE System Library", takes very long time.Trying to open an item selection dialog where the current value is a JRE System Library element is slow. The problem is not related to MMA. It is the access of model elements that takes time. It seems that the JRE-jar - library is reversed incrementally when accessing some of its content. |
MMA-2385 | Model Validation | Models generated upon model openingen will be duplicated in the Activation View's Activation popup-dialog |
This holds for "JRE System Library" in RSAD where that model is created based on JAR-files when a model referring it will be opened.
It may be impossible to control this as there actually might be double models internally with different object id:s |
MMA-2318 | UI Wizards | Property values get lost in Change Wizard when drag & drop from explorer view to diagram node |
MMA-2280 | Model Validation | Adding a nested model does not automatically activate this nested model and it will be unclassified |
This will hold both if the nested model is created by MMA Add wizard or by using the build in add UML submenu. |
MMA-2274 | UI Property View | Entered property values remains after rollback caused by rejecting set a model as writeable |
When a property is edited for an element in a read-only model, a confirmation dialog occurs that let you switch to writeable mode. If you cancel that option, the old property value should replace the new one. |
MMA-2228 | Papyrus, UI Problem View | Concurrent modification exception when switching between activated models in different editing domains |
MMA-2224 | Model Reporting | Unloaded submodels may give warnings of overlapping IDs in web publish |
MMA-2156 | UI Trace Matrix View | Eclipse session ends when there is too many relationship targets to be displayed in the Trace Matrix View |
The vertical target labels are currently generated images. The exception says "no more handles" indicating run out of UI resources. Limit the max number of targets to be display or redesign the target labels |
MMA-2140 | UI Problem View | Problem view filter "item+childs" gives incomplete result when applied to a package containg nested models |
MMA-2136 | License Mgmt | FREE License insufficient when moving a block of elements within an activated model |
Workaround is to temporary inactivate MetaModelAGent during moving of several elements. |
MMA-1910 | General UML guidelines | Metaclass Structured Activity Node occurs twice in metamodel General UML Modeling guidelines |
MMA-1897 | Imposer, Model Validation, Papyrus | MMA does not react on model changes in a model managed by CDO initiated by another CDO session |
Running two simultaneous CDO sessions and changing the model in one of the session, does not initate a revalidation of the model in the other session. Any added model element will be unclassified by MMA |
MMA-1803 | Model Validation, UI Property View | Lower limit of multi-valued user defined properties are not validated |
A lower limit of 1 for example is not reported as invalid, not by color in the MMA Property view or by an entry in the MMA Problem View |
MMA-1793 | Model Reporting, PapyrusRT | Fallback filenames are used for some RT-elements when publishing an PapyrusRT model using PapyrusRT RCP |
The standard way to retrieve the UUID, Resource.getURIFragment(element) does not work for all RT-specifik element types when running the RCP-installation of Papyrus.
If so, files with encryptic file names are generated instead of UUID-based file names. |
MMA-1768 | Guideline Reporting | An invalid thread access exception occurs first time an unloaded profile is refered |
This exception does not affect the resulting guideline web. |
MMA-1748 | Model Reporting, Papyrus | Invalid thread access exception sometimes in web publish |
Invalid thread access occurs sometimes when executing web publisher. This seems to occur randomly. A temporary fix has been made by catching the exception, but this bug is still open waiting for a permanent fix.
Work around that have proven successful is to restart the tool and redo the model pubslishing. |
MMA-1747 | Model Reporting | Publish documentation failure sometimes when reusing output folder |
Exceptions has been detected a few times when publishing once more into an existing folder. This have not been reproducable in test environments.
Work around may be to clean the target folder or use another target folder. |
MMA-1723 | Model Reporting | The order of ordered nested elements are not preserved in web publish |
The order of parameters are semantically significant and must be preserved. The same is for Pins and for nested properties (e.g. qualifiers)
These elements should therefor always be listed in original order as stored in the model. |
MMA-1700 | Model Reporting | Inherited elements from other activations are presented with the other activation´s metaclass |
If an element inherit another element, for example a property, the other element has a metaclass from the metamodel from the other activation.
In such a case the element should be presented in some special way If both the activations uses the same metamodel, the elements shoould be grouped under the same heading in the nested element section. |
MMA-1556 | UI Wizards | The preference setting "Show only editable pages in wizards" is not respected for the first Add wizard page |
Add wizard should not be showned when adding an element or relationships by selecting two elements, if there are no editable properties and the preference setting is set to hide non-editable pages. |
MMA-1539 | Model Validation, Papyrus | Associations are reported as invalid elements if there are permitAll operations allowing any association ends |
To remove the invalid reported problem, a manual refresh (reactivation) must be made.
Even afterwards and also in RSA when selecting such an association, a message in the GuidanceView says that the element could not be identified |
MMA-1485 | Metamodel validation | Metaclass comparison reports invalid errors when constant default values are used in combination with enumeration types in metaclass attributes |
When two metaclass attributes are compared and they have different fixed default values but the same enumeration as types. They are invalidly reported as overlapping as the default values are not respected.
The bug is related to the compareEnumTypes() method in class MetaClassComparison. |
MMA-1278 | Imposer, RSA | Adding a Capsule using RSA RTE UI when Change Wizard is enabled causing an "Invalid model modification" dialog to appear |
Adding a Capsule using RSA RTE UI automatically add some nested elements as well.
This is very difficult to fix because the EMF Transaction framework reports the added elements in a reverse order, making it impossible for MMA to identify the added elements correctly. One solution would be to detect that there is nested elements to a capsule being created and disable the change wizard upon this fact. This behavior may occur in other situations as well where several elements are added using a single operation. |
MMA-1255 | General UML guidelines, Metametamodel | ExpansionRegion, LoopNode, ConditionNode and SequenceNode are handled as StructureActivityNodes |
Their stereotypes are already defined in the MMA profile, but they are not suppported in the code, Metametamodel and General UML Guidelines metamodel. There are a lot of properties for these elements to be added also. Those are supported by Papyrus property view but not RSA ConditionNode: Is_Determninate, Is_Assured, (Clause), Result Expansion Region: Mode - Expansion Kind, input, output |
MMA-1241 | UI Property View | Item selection dialog button for Slot value property need sometimes to be pressed twice before the dialog appear |
If the defining feature has been changed the item selection dialog for slot value has to be pushed twice
The problem occur because the widgets are redrawn when the defining feature lost focus. At that point the push button listener is not yet registered. |
MMA-1092 | Papyrus | Automation is not always automatically enabled on a model that have been created |
When a model is created and MMA has the preference setting "Always activation". MMA tries to do the activation Before the editing domain is available. Automation is therefore not initialized. Activation must therefore be made manually.
MMA-1009 | MMA Profile | The stereotype 'templatebinding' in the MMA-profile used in metamodels is misspelt |
The correct name should be 'templateBinding' with an uppercase B. |
MMA-976 | UI Property View | MMA Property View is not automatically updated when a property value is changed in some other view or editor |
An automatic update would be the expected behavior But that may make the MMA Property View obsolete if it affects key-properties. In such a case the classification might change forcing a complete switch of the view content or that the view should be empty (base on that the element could not be classified). This bug needs more investigation and consequence analysis. |
MMA-803 | Metamodel validation | Circular <<key>> references in a metamodel leads to an inifinte loop upon activation |
This might be detected if a test model can be automatically genererated from a metamodel |
MMA-564 | General UML guidelines | UML Connectors could not be created using the General UML Guidelines |
The current UML General Guidelines does not have 2 as a lower number of Connector Ends to a connector, that means that a connector will be created by the Add-wizard without the option to create any connector ends. That results in an thrown RSA exception.
The lower number of Connector Ends should be set to 2 in the General UML Guidelines. The Add-wizard should respect that number and make it possible to create 2 Connector Ends. |
MMA-542 | General UML guidelines | General UML Modeling Guidelines: Associations can contain other classifiers besides use-cases |
The "Association" meta class can invalidly contains "Class Item"
This is a necessary exemption until association classes are supported. Currently association classes are identified as associations by MMA, and association classes are allowed to have other nested elements |
MMA-498 | Model Validation | The location of a referenced element is not considered when matching meta-classes representing external elements |
An element must be in another model to be able to be matched with a meta-class representing an external-element
A fix of this bug may reveal new (unknown) problems in customer models. |
All bugs applies to all environments, any exemption is indicated in the Component column:
RSA | Only present when using IBM RSAD/RSARTE or HCL RTist. |
Papyrus | Only present when using Eclipse Papyrus. |
Windows | Only present when running on a Windows platform. |
Linux | Only present when running on a Linux platform. |
IOS | Only present when running on an Apple IOS platform. |
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