Information Flow Information Flow

[navigator] [guidelinePackage]General UML Guidelines [bullet][guidelinePackage]Other Relations [bullet]Information FlowInformation Flow (Information Flow)


An information flow specifies that one or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets.

Informationflows require some kind of information channel for transmitting information items from the source to the destination. An information channel is represented in various ways depending on the nature of its sources and targets. It may berepresented by connectors, links, associations, or even dependencies.

For example, if the source and destination are partsin some composite structure such as a collaboration, then the information channel is likely to be represented by aconnector between them. Or, if the source and target are objects (which are a kind of instance specification), they may berepresented by a link that joins the two, and so on.

[collapsed] [expanded] Properties


[collapsed] [expanded] From

An element of one of the following kinds:

[collapsed] [expanded] To

An item of one of the following item kinds:

[collapsed] [expanded] Usage